Remove Paint from Plastic

Remove Paint  by Scraping

Try to avoid using too rigorous movements with your scraping as to not damage the surface of the plastic.

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Rubbing Alcohol

We suggest that you first try this on a small non-visible portion of the plastic to make sure it does not damage the surface.

Vegetable Oil

Use a cloth that is dipped or soaked and rub over the spilled paint in circular motions – this might take some elbow grease.

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Distilled Vinegar

Making sure not to burn your fingers with the hot vinegar, dip a sponge of a rag into the vinegar and start rubbing away at the paint.

Acetone and Solvents

This can be done by applying it straight onto the paint in question, or you can dip a cloth in the acetone and rub it over the area.

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Some plastics are hardier than others, which means they hold onto paint better and knowing how to remove paint from these plastics in a safe way is important.

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Stripping paint from plastic does not need to be done using harsh chemicals. There are many household cleaners around that can do the job!

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Dettol Disinfectant

Can be used to remove paint from plastic models but before you start, be aware that glue will also disintegrate with the Dettol.

Oven Cleaner

First spray down the plastic item in question. Then place it inside a ziplock bag that is airtight for a couple of days.

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